Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom Demo

Первые три босса:
Pale-blue Eagle Rabbit. Moon rabbit. Ability: Power to send bullets from another dimension.
Orange Eagle Rabbit. Moon rabbit. Ability: Power to become strong enough to eat dango.
Doremy Sweet.
Ruler of dreams. Baku. Ability: Power to create and eat dreams.
Eagle Rabbits: Infiltration troops. Dangerous job with low wages, according to Seiran's profile.
And yes, Stage 3 is in the Dream World, where Doremy lives. It seems that this time around the disturbance has to do with Dreams.
Новая система начисления очков с выдачей ништяков. Новый режим игры с бесконечным продолжением с чек-пойнтов (количество жизней в этом режиме равно нулю и не пополняется).
Алсо, новая няшка из файтинга, Usami Sumireko. Меганекко!