The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (FC+SC+3rd) (ENG-Patch) [PS Vita]

Платформа: PS Vita
Тип дампа: NoNpDrm
Регион: NTSC-J
Текст: ENG
Звук: JPN
Страница патча: GBAtemp:FC GBAtemp:SC GBAtemp:3rd
Trails in the Sky FC follows the journey of Estelle and Joshua Bright, as they train to become bracers in the Liberl Kingdom. As such, they travel through the five regions of Rolent, Bose, Ruan, Zeiss, and finally Grancel. Their journey through the regions has them encountering challenges they must solve as they pursue the rank of senior bracer. From the small-scale theft of an expensive crystal to the country-wide military coup of Liberl, they encounter all facets of the Liberl of S.1202.
This is the first game on the continent of Zemuria, and it sets up many things seen in the next game Trails in the Sky SC, as well as in every future installment of the Kiseki series.
О патчах
Порты перевода из PC версий игр на PS Vita.
Выбор саундтрека работает через DLC, без применения опциональных патчей
Подробная информация о патчах:
GBAtemp:FC GBAtemp:SC GBAtemp:3rd
Выбор саундтрека работает через DLC, без применения опциональных патчей
Подробная информация о патчах:
GBAtemp:FC GBAtemp:SC GBAtemp:3rd