Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 (Retranslation) [PS Vita]

Жанр: Role-playing
Разработчик: Felistella
Издательство: Idea Factory
Платформа: PS Vita
Тип дампа: NoNpDRM + rePatch
Регион: NTSC-U
Текст: ENG
Звук: JPN
Страница патча: AlternativeZeroSubs
Re:Birth2’s PC retranslation is now ported to the Vita so we can now enjoy the game as it was originally written before Nick Doerr bastardized it with his famous “humorous” re-writes that IFI strangely thought was what the series needed.
This version of the game is intended to be play with the original Japanese voices as, in addition to the retranslation port this game is also modded to remove the English voice acting as it differs heavily with the new script since it was translated to be closer to the original Japanese one.
Для запуска на 3.65 enso необходим плагин rePatch.